Known for his integrity and passion, for his profession, his insight and inventiveness. He enjoys working with others to discover the underlying issues and priorities and working with them towards a coherent resolution of an architectural design solution. For him, architecture is an opportunity to exercise aesthetic and value judgement; a means for positive growth; the unfolding of a cultural process in the community that he shares. It shapes the lives of people, and he finds this enormously interesting.
With over 35 years’ experience, Walter brings a strong combination of conceptual design ability, project management skills and technical expertise to any project. A LEED accredited professional since 2001, Walter is a past president of the AIBC, has served for four terms on the Vancouver Urban Design Panel, twice as its chair. Known for his sincerity, insight, and adaptability, Walter has provided leadership on many complex design projects requiring an interdisciplinary team approach. With a strong history of success through planning, consultation, and development processes, he is a specialist in listening to and understanding community needs and aspirations.